Broken Hill SDA church sound Options

I would like to provide a number of options. Click on an option for more details.
  1. Whole hog: Splendid quality. In the $10,000+ price bracket
  2. High quality: Professional, Higher quality. $2000+
  3. Acceptable quality: An attempt to reach professional quality using cheaper components and taking advantage of 'packaged' products like powered mixers. A few options, $1000 - $2000
    1. Option a
    2. Option b
    3. ...
  4. Basic upgrade

Whole Hog

This would be the top-of the line system. It would probably help to have an acoustic engineer assist with design, selection and installation. There would be high quality Bose speakers. Prices would be above $10,000

High Quality

This would be a fairly 'standard' professional installation. Prices would be above $2,000

Acceptible quality

These acceptable quality options are an attempt to reach high quality using cheaper components and taking advantage of 'packaged' products like powered mixers. This means cheaper components with a minimal reduction in quality. These options are not 'cheap' or low quality. I will not consider low quality components, they would result in a system similar to the present one.

option A

This option consists of minimal cost components with maximum suitability. Combined packages, such as the Yamaha EMX 620 are included.
The Yamaha EMX 620, rrp $770
Prices would be around $1300  (current estimate only for complete system, as at September 2000)

option B

Prices would be in the range of $1000 to $2000

Basic Upgrade

This would be a minimalistic upgrade. It requires more research to find exactly which components are the weak spots. This conclusion may recomend one of the above options. A minimalistic upgrade may call for hard-to-find components. I think this option would be asking for trouble, however I have seen some such systems work. Feasability study needed.

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Page and contents by Ben Reuter, updated Thursday September 21, 2000