S a b b a t h  -  a gentle, (smooth), sentimental, acoustic piece.
It's mostly +-+- (strong - weak - strong....)
(4) Shadows lengthen
(10)We see the ending of another week.
(4) The sun lowers
(10)We raise our voices in praise, thanking God {Thanking our creator} 
(5) for another week <-- to squeeze 'for' in, I've added an extra beat.
(5) <beat> for the Sabbath. <-- use <beat> to match the line above.
[verse: i think]
(10) A time to look up to our Creator.
(4) Time to refeash
(4) To leave the world
(4) fading, fading
(4) we see his light!
to let our problems
(4) fade in His power {dissolve/fade in his might/power.}
[Chorus - smoothly, possibly 'piano man' style, 
          maybe a bit faster than the rest]
(10)Yes/Oh/<beat>, we thank the Lord for the Sabbath, (Sabbath --> triplet)
(5) Gift for humankind,
(10)It was blessed by God in creation week
(5) Made with us in mind
[verse 2 - under construction]

These song ideas are Copyright. Ben Reuter.
This page updated September 3, 1999