Rejection / non-acceptance. - Thanks to Mitch's idea. These are my ideas: it's under construction atm.

(.-) Walking along the roads of life, she'd chosen the way
(.-) of entertainment and good times.
(11) Was there any idea of a bill to pay? 101- 00-1 001- 0-1-^?
(_8) "Life's short, play hard" was her excuse. 10101001
price (that had) been paid.
ignoring free gifts
Problems. (escape hatch? meaning?)
Happy mask. What's underneath? Edges showing.
Judgement day.
Maybe she'll change her mind one day. 
(10) She didn't take the gift she'd been offered, 01+00010010
(_8) She chose to go the other way. 01000101
(10) At the end of the meal(show) they bring the bill, [say, way, lay, bay, g'day, day, may] 
(_8) And now the price has to be paid.?????/

These song ideas are Copyright. Ben Reuter.
This page updated August 12, 1999