Thief in the Night

(10) He's gonna come like a thief in the night.
(11) We dunno if it's gonna be day or night.
(7)  With God, we've gotta be right.
(10) He's gonna come like a thief in the night.
(10) It's easy to see that the time is near, -+--+--+-+
(10) We've gotta get our bags and pack our gear. -++--+-+()+
(10) The problem is that we procrastinate, -+-+---+-+
(10) Got-ta hurry up or we'll be too late.++--+-+--+
(10) We know of the sings we expect to see,
(10) (you and me / have to be / ready / _____).
(10) {something about being ready / prepared},
(10) .

These song ideas are Copyright. Ben Reuter.
This page updated August 12, 1999